Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, 2007

Dear journal,
Well when I was on a web page I read a artical about E-mail threats force closure of five college campuses. I found that I was very interesting because if any body has an email address they should be able to say who emails them or not. I know someone in my class who got a bad email from someone in our class. We notified the teacher amidaetly because we knew that we are not suppose to email negative things to any one. I know how people feel when they get a threat and are affended by it. I have a question for you. How would you stop all the treats if you got one. Go to my comments and send me one telling your answer. Well this is all I really have ot talk about today.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Dear journal,

Well today is going by well. I really don't have any pacific topic so I am going to be writing about what ever I would like. Well I have decided to write about my birthday. I am so excited for it because my birthday is the last day of school. So it is like the biggest gift anyone could ever want. I told my mom and dad that I want a blue Ipod for my b-day. Well I will try to find a picture of one but I think that almost all of you know what a Ipod is. Well this is all I really have to talk about today. TTYL Look above and you can see the Ipod I want

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Dear journal,
Well today I am going to be writing about what i am going ot d oover the summer. I know that I haven't bloged in a long time so you are going to have to bare with me. There are several things that I want to do over the summer. One thing that I know I am going to do is celebrate my birthday with friends and family. I also know that I am going to go and spend a week or two with my real dad. My parents are devoriced. I don't live with him so I don't get to see him very much. I think that I might go to the discovery summer program but I am not for sure. Well this is all I really know what I will be doing this summer. Well I have to go . TTYL.

Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007

Dear journal,
Well today is going by well. I don't have any spacific thing to write about. As you can probably tell I was gone on Friday. I was gone because I had to go to a track meet. I was in the 400 meter dash and the 200 meter dash. I don't know how I did because we didn't get the results back yet. Well we only have like 30 more dayse left of school. I am so excited because I want summer to come. My birthday is one the last day of school. It is one of the biggest presents anyone could ever want. Well this is all I really have to talk about today. TTYL

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

April 10, 2007

Dear journal,
Well today is going by well. I am going to be writing about what my favorite holiday is. My favorite holiday is Easter. I like Easter because when you buy someting for someone it usually would be a rabbit. I like rabbits so much because they are cute and soft. When I went to my dads house for Easter we saw a bunch of fair rabbits running around. Oh yea my dad lives in a campground. Well back to the subject. I also like Easter so much because I always get to spend time with my family. Well this is why I like Easter so much. Well this is all I really have to talk about today. TTYL

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007

Dear journal,

Well today is going by well. I am going to be writing about a place where I want to live when I grow up. I would really like to live in Africa just because of all the animals there. My most favorite animal that lives in Africa is the Zebra. I like Zedras so much because they are very fast and they have a very cool coat. Also because they are like horses and I also like horses. Another reason why I want to move to Africa is because they rearly get any snow. They might get some rain but no snow. It is warm all year round. Well there is a few reasons why I want to move to Africa. Well this is all I really have to talk about today. TTYL

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 3, 2007

Dear journal,

Well today is going by well. As you can tell I have a topic to write about today and it is what my favorite movie is. Well my favorite move is The Parent Trap. It's about two girls that are twins who have never meet until they go to a summer camp. There they meet and they find out they are twins. One wants to know more about their mom because she doesn't know anything about her. The other one wants to know more about their dad because she doesn't know anything about him. So they decide to switch places. One went to United States and the other went to London. The one who went to the United States is name Annie. The one who went to London is named Hal. Annie figures out that her dad is going ot get married to a mean woman. She calls Hal in London and they figure out a plan to get their parents back together. So Hal and her mom fly to the United States to see Annie and their dad. Their dad doesn't know that they switched places until their he sees their mom and she tells him that the two girls changed places. Their plan to get their parents work when the dad, the two girls and the dads girl friend go camping. When their dad and his girl friend are sleeping the two girls go in their tent and pull the girlfriend out on her air matress and put her in the water. When she wakes up she falls off it and hits the water. She goes to their camp soking wet and told the girls dad to pick between her or them and he picks her. When the get back to his house he decides to take at their mom out. They both decide to give each other another chance. I like this book because it is so funny and it is sad. Well this is all I really have to talk about today.TTYL

Monday, April 2, 2007

April 2, 2007

Dear journal,
Well today I am going to be writing about
video games. Some people think that people just film things, but they actually have to use math to get every thing at the right angle and they have to draw out the characters on the computer. A video game is a game that typically involves user/player interaction with a controller interface to generate visual feedback on a video screen. Here is a web site that shows you how to make them. Well this is all I really have to talk about todya. Please keep reading my blogs you are good at it.

March 30, 2007

Dear journal,
Well today I am going to be wirting about CRIME. Crime is when someone does something bad that is against the law. A crime is an act that violates a political, religious, or moral command considered important in protecting the interests of the State or the welfare of its citizens or subjects. You can also goe to a web site and find more about it. Well this is all I am going to be writing about today.